What is the *why* behind Perplexity? And before you answer that, ask yourself if your why won't simply be a before on some other well-funded platform? Personally an *exit* to one of those platforms is not what consider to be a success, other than for the founders. It's not going to be an Instagram, or a WhatsApp. Let's be honest.

So, what *is* it? I mean, what will it be 1 or 2 years from now because it's dependent on other platforms that will copy everything and plug them in as features. Kind of like Google did with parking apps.

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Nice work with the research videos! Perplexity, as well as other LLMs, have a great advantage to recommend affiliate solutions/tools/products when responding to user queries and questions! It would be weird to use ad banners, essentially providing no value 😬

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Keep up the good work! I hope to snatch some of the lessons you guys learn on the way for ourselves!

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